European Energy Research Alliance

EERA is an organisation founded by leading European research associations. The objective of the alliance is to accelerate the development of new energy conversion technologies by conceiving and implementing Joint Research Programmes to integrate activities and resources and maximising synergies throughout Europe. Ocean Energy is one of the Joint Programmes within the organisation which is coordinated by the Policy and Innovation Group. It consists of 8 participants from UK, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Ireland, Norway and Germany.
Within the Ocean Energy Joint Programme six main research themes were chosen based on research roadmaps which identified them as being critical for the growth of the industry. These are resource, devices and technology, deployment and operations, environmental impact, socio-economic impact, research infrastructure, education and training. Each of the themes have sub-topics which are key long-term research objectives. The following paragraph looks at each of the research themes in more detail.
Resource research activity will explore the impact of turbulence on ocean energy systems and how to manage it. This theme will also develop a better understanding of combined wave and tidal effects on devices. Devices and Technology theme will define global models for grid connection and explore the development of power take off systems as well as moorings and foundations for arrays. Deployment and Operations research activity will assess the reliability of ocean energy components and will contribute to the development of an integrated reliability model. It will also examine the planning issues and potential for sharing infrastructure with other sectors. Environmental Impact research theme will conduct a knowledge review of the ocean energy device impact and will initiate the production of guidelines for environmental assessment. Research infrastructure, Education and Training activity will work to enable the development and management of pan-European and pan-technology training courses related to ocean energy and will catalogue the test tank facilities in Europe. It will also investigate the issues of scaling models in combined wave and wind test tanks. Socio-economic research theme will develop modelling techniques for farm scale economic assessments for wave and tidal energy deployments.
For more information see the official website here.
Within the Ocean Energy Joint Programme six main research themes were chosen based on research roadmaps which identified them as being critical for the growth of the industry. These are resource, devices and technology, deployment and operations, environmental impact, socio-economic impact, research infrastructure, education and training. Each of the themes have sub-topics which are key long-term research objectives. The following paragraph looks at each of the research themes in more detail.
Resource research activity will explore the impact of turbulence on ocean energy systems and how to manage it. This theme will also develop a better understanding of combined wave and tidal effects on devices. Devices and Technology theme will define global models for grid connection and explore the development of power take off systems as well as moorings and foundations for arrays. Deployment and Operations research activity will assess the reliability of ocean energy components and will contribute to the development of an integrated reliability model. It will also examine the planning issues and potential for sharing infrastructure with other sectors. Environmental Impact research theme will conduct a knowledge review of the ocean energy device impact and will initiate the production of guidelines for environmental assessment. Research infrastructure, Education and Training activity will work to enable the development and management of pan-European and pan-technology training courses related to ocean energy and will catalogue the test tank facilities in Europe. It will also investigate the issues of scaling models in combined wave and wind test tanks. Socio-economic research theme will develop modelling techniques for farm scale economic assessments for wave and tidal energy deployments.
For more information see the official website here.
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