An Experimental Survey in the Wake of a Simulated Tidal Current Turbine
X. Sun Ian Bryden Henry Jeffrey |
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13-22 10 Proceedings of IMarEST - Part A - Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology Sep 2008 A12 5/11/13 Published
This paper presents two experimental test programmes, conducted in a water flow channel and a tow tank respectively, and devised to investigate the wake behind a simulated horizontal axis tidal current turbine, Both sets of experimental results have identified the wake as having a Gaussian-like shape and the wake deficit recovering gradually with distance downstream. Also, although it is not directly representative of real operating conditions, the appropriateness of a towing lank for the model tidal current turbine testing has been supported, by having obtained compatible force and wake profiles in the two test programmes
This paper presents two experimental test programmes, conducted in a water flow channel and a tow tank respectively, and devised to investigate the wake behind a simulated horizontal axis tidal current turbine, Both sets of experimental results have identified the wake as having a Gaussian-like shape and the wake deficit recovering gradually with distance downstream. Also, although it is not directly representative of real operating conditions, the appropriateness of a towing lank for the model tidal current turbine testing has been supported, by having obtained compatible force and wake profiles in the two test programmes
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